SIGN UP The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. We help you reach your goals SIGN UP The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. We help you reach your goals Online Tutoring Concept. Smiling black female tutor having video call with student CHOOSE YOUR PACKAGE We specialize in math help for students who would like to stay on top of their academics. aimath

Why aimath?

Your Children Are Worth The Investment

What do we do?

We are a subscription-based homework help service.  We are a platform for learning. We offer consultations through a variety of educational services and courses that you can enroll in to enhance your skills.

Cultivate Greatness

Our mission is to partner with children and cultivate a mindset that seeks greatness.

Reach Success

We specialize in high dosage math help for students; focusing on rigor, frequency, and intensity. Evidence suggests that providing consistent help is found to be more effective.

Partners in Education

We accomplish our mission by building relationships, teaching concepts, and life skills to our partners in education.

Who are we?

Education is light years ahead with aimath

We are a community of caring educators concerned with the quality of education that students receive.


Relational Success

We find value in establishing a rapport with students to show them we have a vested interest in their academic success, social-emotional well-being, and their mental health.

Professional Staff

We help our partners aim high, reach for greatness, and become the leaders of tomorrow.

Best Outcome

Our services are for stakeholders who believe children are worth an investment & are willing to rethink the structure of education through the use of technology. The goal is to streamline academic improvement.

How does this look?

Cultivating Greatness

It’s not just tutoring. It’s building a mindset, working on the work and working on their mind.

Educational Partnership

Your child will be partnered with a math specialist that works with them throughout the year.

Communication Methods

Contact us through – video conferencing, phone calls, or text messages.  Schedule a video conference with your consultant that meets your needs and works with your schedule.

Contact Us

When you receive an assignment you and your consultant work on it together.